Monday, May 2, 2016


Hello, dear readers,

I apologize for the two-month, impromptu hiatus. My life has been shifting in a big way lately, and as regular blogging had not yet become ingrained in my routine when these changes came along, it was the first thing I put on the back burner. So let me share with you the biggest of these developments. And then, I promise, I'll get back to the happy business of maintaining this site!

Here's my news (drumroll, please): After this school year ends, I will be leaving the teaching profession. I'll have to write a follow-up post about the many factors that went into this decision someday, after I've had time to process through it all. I'm sad, of course, to be leaving the classroom, and I'll miss my students and colleagues terribly. But this is, on the whole, a happy development, and the main impetus behind my decision is that I've caught the writing bug. I've caught it bad. And I want to make a career out of it!

Time will tell what this will actually look like for me, but I'm excited to see what the future holds. The tricky part is that I am doing this soul-searching (and job searching!) while finishing out the school year. As any high school teacher can tell you, April and May are two very busy months for us. It is difficult to take all the necessary steps to start a new career while making sure that I'm not cheating my students out of a strong end to the school year. As a result, it will be a few weeks yet before I can put my full energy into writing. I can't tell you how excited I am, though. Expect further updates as time goes on!

My craft projects have also fallen victim to the busyness of the end of the school year, but I have a few updates in that department as well. The blanket I showed you in my last post is finished, and a beautiful baby girl has already puked on it, so I know it's well-loved. Here's a picture of the final product, along with its owner, sweet little baby M.

Isn't she just too beautiful for words? Watch out, Gerber baby! You've got competition!
I decided to go with a simple scalloped edge. The moss stitch was pretty enough that I didn't feel the need to add any embellishment.

And alas, I don't have the Misfit Flash ribbon wristband project to share with you. This is partly because I've been so busy, and partly because before I found the time to make it, my Misfit met with a mysterious misfortune. I was rocking it in my pendant necklace holder while attending my college's Alumni Weekend a couple weeks ago, and somehow, during the course of the day, my Misfit went kaput. I'm corresponding with company support to diagnose the problem. Up until its untimely demise, though, it was working great and I really enjoyed using it. I may or may not end up writing that review post I talked about before. It depends on whether I'm able to have my device replaced.

That's all I have for you today, friends. Have a lovely Monday!

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